Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Baby Update

I went to the Doctor today and of course I am still not dilated at all. Bummer. It's ok, at least I am scheduled to be induced the day after my due date. We'll be going in on Wednesday the 23rd at 7:30am. So I imagine if all goes well, that's the day he'll be here! I'm trying to do everything I can to get ready. It's crazy how much you forget that you need to do before a newborn comes. We are so excited. I am having a hard time though that I am still not totally set on a name. Josh is really set on the name Rushton James. I like the name but I think it's hard for me because it was my last name for so long. But then again, there aren't any names that I am set on so I kinda think that Rushton it is. I'm definately still open though for suggestions.


Elke said...

Josh, I like the name.

Trish, I'm sorry, but I don't think that YOU like the name. And I don't think you should name him that if you don't like it. I've been hearing this from you for months now, and I'm not sure its going to change just because he's born...

Josh, I like the name. Rushton. Yeah.

Lorraine and Kelly said...

I do like the name a lot. I think that's cool when you're last name can work out for a first, now Neville?? Not so cute. But I'm so glad you have a blog! I loved the pregnant picture, how come your arms don't get fat like mine! No fair. I hope you will update often but I know it's hard, I'm just so excited to see how you are doing now! Love you.

Leslierush said...

I just love the name Rushton and I told my Dad today and he loves it too. but make sure you like it enough cus remember your gonna be sayin it for the rest of your life. and BTW I am soooo glad you have a blog now....YAY!!

rushtonfamily said...

Trish, imagine it's date night and you're really hungry, but you're not sure where you want to eat. Let's say Josh really, really, really wants to go to the Gecko Grill. Wouldn't it just be great to go to the Gecko Grill?? It's a no-brainer. Plus, their chimichangas are sooooo good!!

Trisha said...

Nick, You are the mastermind of the parable. Your comment is m-o-n-e-y$$$ It's so simple yet so true. If I am pretty set and Trish doesn't really care either way then Rushton it is! I hope you know you've had just as much to do with his name being Rushton as I have with your weekly pep talks with Trish, thanks brotha! I got nothing but love for ya!

rushtonfamily said...

Love you too J-Hizzle. Can't wait to kick it wit you and Fish and JoJo! (I'm gettin' teary-eyed right now) Let the theorizing begin...

rushtonfamily said...

...sorry I forgot, and baby Rush...

Molly Gehring said...

Hey Trish and Josh - glad to see you have a blog. I haven't heard any baby news. Hopefully everything is going ok for you. Can't wait to see the little guy. The naming your kid thing is hard, I know. For the record, I like the name Rushton.